Balancing the need for industrial manufacturing robots with annual financial budgets and the robotic integrator helping bridge that gap.
Manufacturers in virtually all industries are challenged on several fronts while the need for realistic budgeting remains critically important to the planning process. Capital budgets are in flux as the effects of the global pandemic are still being felt. In addition, supply chain interruptions and a widespread shortage of skilled workers only adds to the present uncertainty.
There’s no question that manufacturing in America will not only survive but thrive in the coming years. “Made in the USA” is regaining strength and endurance in the marketplace as aspects of the global supply chain lose a little luster. It is becoming increasing clearer that those manufacturers who embrace the future by operating and investing in industrial automation and robotics will be the most successful.
In the short term, the economic reality is how manufacturers can plan and budget to meet today’s multiple challenges. Very large manufacturers with major cash reserves have the resources to withstand a high degree of uncertainty, but the majority of manufacturers may not. We’re aware that even 5-year capital budgets do not always allow for the cost of custom integrated autonomous manufacturing projects to improve productivity and lower costs.
It’s well documented that industrial robotic automation has the effect of increased safety and improved efficiencies. Repetitive manual processes are always a focus to reduce the risk of injuries and move workers to higher skill jobs.
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